Monday, May 31, 2010

The Gospel According to d-CON

Did you know 98% of d-Con rat poison is edible? It's true. Check the wrapper! Only 2% is actually poison.

Because the poison tastes OK the rat is fooled into eating it. But that 2% kills him. The makers od d-Con know that they have to put a lot of good tasting food in before the rats will be tempted to eat the litlle bit that kills them.

How often have people been fooled into following after false doctrines and fables because there was enough truth in them to make them appear all right. satan is no fool. he knows better than to try and get us to partake of sin or heresy if he presents it in its undisguised ugliness. False doctrine & heresy don't usually present themselves in an unpallatable manner, but they offer enough truth to appear OK & to disguise their deadly dose of poison.

2 Corinthians 11:13-14 plainly tells us that false prophets and decietful workers will attempt to transform themselves into apostles of Christ and that it is no marvel that satan will transform himself into an angel of light.

It is the little foxes that destroy the vines. It is a little member that kindles great destruction.

In Galations Paul asks this question -You were running well. What is it that has caused you to become disobedient? (Galatians 5:7)

He goes on to say that whatever has persuaded you to leave the truth did not come from the Lord that called you. (Galations 5:8)

Then he enlightens us to what has actually happened. You have allowed a little leaven, a little sin, a little error, a little lie to spoil everything. (Galtians 5:9)

Many today feel that if there is a majority of good in their doctrine that a little bit of error will not hurt them. But no one can benefit fron 98% truth if 2% error is mixed in with it.

How many married couples would be content with their spouse being faithful 98% of the time and cheating only 2% of the time?
No one in their right mind would consider anything less than 100% faithfulness to be acceptable.
Why then are we willing to hold a different standard when it comes to truth?

Just as being faithful in a marriage 98% of the time is not faithfulness at all, so also having 98% of the truth is not having truth at all. It may only be a 2% difference, but that 2% will determine whether we inherit eternal life or are condemned to eternal death.

Just Sayin...

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